Credit Repair

Credit Repair - Our complete system

We have an all new complete service for credit repair that is squeaky clean and on target with today’s high paced money market and in line with the new Credit Bureaus’ approach to better responsiveness that they have announced will take them approximately one year to 2016 to implement!

Can’t wait?

We can help now!

Let us hold your hand and walk you through each step of the process to clean up your credit with no new dollars available beyond the monthly minimums you pay now!

There is a lot to know and we can offer you the help you need!

Our first consultation is completely free.

We email about this and blog on it too!

There are so many tips you will want to know –

    • Because today apartments use credit to accept or deny your living with them, and employers may use your credit history to allow or deny you employment in some states.

    • Insurance companies use your credit to up or deny your insurance coverage and/or determine your rates now.

    • What will a short sale do to your credit? Do you know?

    • Is it worse to have a foreclosure? Why or why not?

    • How does my credit affect my car loan?

    • Can I get a new credit card after a bankruptcy?

    • Can I really quick repair my score or not?

There is so much confusion in the social media about these and other topics you NEED AN ADVOCATE ON YOUR SIDE that knows the real truth on each step towards the best credit you can have which will open many doors for you.

We are that advocate!

Subscribe to our free emails today – Click on the subscribe tab now!

Or... Call us for more free info and to discover your best tools at

our next event call 24/7: 805 380-3738

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Make power choices for the best you!

Call now and ask for your 1 free customized phone conference today.

Include your name, cell phone number and email.

Call 24/7: 805 380-3738