Job Search

Job Search - Find your dream job now!

Looking for a “job” or a promotion?

Need to find work fast that pays enough with you best foot forward using your top skills?

Think the market is competitive or openings are few?

Unemployment running out soon?

Temp agencies not helping fast enough?

Craig’s list too loaded with blind emails?

We say – we’ll show you how to find the job you want in 30 days or less!

Let’s talk FREE TODAY BY PHONE about a customized program for you to:

Be the leader and excel:

How to have the right kind of resume – Tips you won’t hear elsewhere.

How to dress for success in today’s market place – what you don’t know matters and what they see in the first 10 seconds does!

What to say on the interview that positions you as the only one winner!

Body language and what messages you are sending without even knowing it!

How to pass entrance exams for larger companies and better jobs.

How to get a promotion!

How to ask for a raise and get more than you imagined with the right negotiation skills – showing your true value!

How to move out of an OFFICE DRAMA situation to an outstanding choice for advancement.

What to do if you are feeling uncomfortable or stressed!

How to get fear under control – and have success formulas that will show you how to make things happen going forward!

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our next event call 24/7: 805 380-3738

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Include your name, cell phone number and email.

Call 24/7: 805 380-3738